Why no new post?
You must be wondering why I so long haven type a post yet.
I have two very good explaination.
The first was I was 2 lazy to type coz alot of things happened in my trip to Genting.
So many funny things and lame things.
But the another reason was that I kept playing restraunt city so do you accept my very good explaination why I would not call it good but since I am not buzy now I might as well tell you what happened When I went to Genting.
It all began as a Sunny day the sun was so hot that it was like fire arrow shooting through my back......\
Well I guess that you don't care about what happened at first so I should really skip the lame part and tell you the interesting part . Why?
Coz I don't wanna really type a long blog.Or do I?
WHen we reached Genting we saw a magictian perform a magic it was not a very good show coz I already know ALMOST all of it tricks but I know that it was not easy to perform that trick he performed it was also very real I guess that is a magictian .
Alright this is the end of the first day you must have thought that we din't do much but we did but 2 bad that they were all soo boring so I guess that is the end for the first day. Oh THE FIRST day evening.
There will be another coming out .
It will be about the first day at night so I guess this is pretty much it so
BYE BYE BYE BYE q!!!!!!!